Sunday, June 6, 2010

Chapter 27 by: Stacey Pilla + Melanie Walsh- Mager

Plot Summary:
In Chapter 27, Mr. Ewell blamed Atticus for “getting” his job. Then one night Judge Taylor was home alone and heard a noise, he went to his back porch and saw the screen door swinging open, this noise was thought to be Bob Ewell. Another instance is when Helen Robinson was walking to and from Mr. Link Deas’s store an extra mile because she did not want to pass the Ewell’s house. Link realized that she was doing this and walked her home past the Ewell’s house. On his way back he stopped at the house and was threatening to have them thrown in jail even though no one was responding. The next morning Helen walked by the house and nothing happened at first, but when she looked behind her, Mr. Bob Ewell was walking several yards behind whisper cuss words. The “old” scout then went on talking about why that year they had a Halloween pageant. There was some mischief the year before and they wanted the kids to be safe and together in the High school Auditorium. Atticus, Aunt Alexandra and Calpurnia got a preview of Scout in her Ham costume for the pageant because none of them could go. Jem was the one who was going to walk her there.

Major Changes and Developments:
Scout was changing more and more with everything she did. Also the town had made a change of the Halloween pageant because they had realized what the kids had gotten into last year.

Significant Quotations:
Hellen Robinson talking to Mr. Link Deas:
“Just let it be, Mr. Link, please suh,” (Lee333)
This shows that Helen doesn’t want to cause much trouble and she knows if he makes it a big deal she will get punished for it.

Literary elements:
“thus began our longest journey together”
Scout says this at the end of chapter 27 say that there are many things a head they have to go through together.

Nondescript (Lee333): of no recognized, definite, or particular type or kind.
Radical (Lee 336): favoring drastic political, economic, or social reforms.

Critical Questions:
1. What do you think is Mr. Link Deas’s perspective on the colored community? Why do you think he is so protective of Helen Robinson?
2. What do you think Mr. Bob Ewell thinks he will get out of disturbing the peace in Maycomb?

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