Monday, May 24, 2010

Pat Killion’s TKAM Chapter 16

Pat Killion’s
TKAM Chapter 16
Plot Summary:

Chapter 16 started out with Scout finally realizing what had happened that night outside of the Maycomb Jail, until a point where she was in tears to be comforted my Jem. Aunt Alexandra and Atticus got into a discussion about how Mr. Underwood despises black people but yet he still defends them, as was an example of how he and a double barrel shotgun were perched in a window in case trouble was to start at Tom Robinson’s cell. They also discussed what should we said in front of Calpurnia and Atticus was quick to say that anything fit to be said at the table is fit to say in front of Calpurnia. Then Jem and Scout questioned why Mr. Cunningham was going to possibly hurt Atticus even though they had always considered him a friend of the family. That is when Atticus said the quote, “… you children last night made Water Cunningham stand in my shoes for a minute.”(Lee210) Referring to how they stood up for Atticus outside the Jail the previous night. We meet a new character in Mr. Dolphus Raymond who had a relationship with a black woman and ended up having several children of a mixed race. Jem describes the mixed children sad because they didn’t belong with anyone, not with white people because they were half black and vice versa. They overhear the court house people discussing the true intent of Atticus during the trial. Then they noticed that Atticus had neither books nor papers of any sort on his table. When Jem, Scout, and Dill finally made it into the courtroom there were no seats remaining so Reverend Sykes managed to get them seats in the Black balcony. They learned that Judge Taylor had the case, and as they sat down, Mr. Heck Tate was on the witness stand and the trial had begun.

Major Changes and Developments

Character Developments:
Atticus: He begins to show signs of Irritation towards Aunt Alexandra
Jem, Scout, and Dill: All three Children begin to understand the extent of the emotions behind the court case that there father is in.
New Characters:
Mr. Dolphus Raymond: Man with children from a relationship with a black women, often drunk due to the horror his life has turned into
Judge Taylor: Judge preceding over Tom Robinson Trial

Significant Quotations

Page 210
“… you children last night made Water Cunningham stand in my shoes for a minute.”
This quote refers to how the children stood up for Atticus outside the Jail the previous night. This quote connects to the main idea of that things are different from all perspectives. This quote reveals that Atticus believes in his case and that he wishes for others to see it like him.

Page 218
“Yeah, but Atticus aims to defend him. That’s what I don’t like about it.”
Some men outside the courtroom were talking about the true intentions of when Atticus took this case. This quote reveals that the common person does not agree with what Atticus is doing in regards to defending Tom Robinson

Literary Elements

The quote on page 218 “Yeah, but Atticus aims to defend him. That’s what I don’t like about it.” This reveals the feeling of the common man and possibly foreshadows the dangerous to come to Atticus and friends.


Formidable (213): Arousing fear, dread, or alarm
Litigants (221): (Law) a party to a lawsuit

Critical Thinking

1.) Why does the man outside the courtroom not like how Atticus is aiming to defend Tom Robinson?
2.) Why would Atticus have no books or tablets on his table in the court room?

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