Monday, May 17, 2010


In chapter 14 in the book To Kill a Mockingbird, we see new things beginning to unfold. Scout is becoming more defiant and doesn't like listening to people telling her what to do. Aunt Alexandra moves in and tells Scout she can’t visit Calipurnia. Jem also tells her to not antagonize Aunt Alexandra. This causes scout to attack Jem. Scout is starting to be less obedient in the chapter. After the kids are sent to bed, Scout notices something in her room but can’t see it. She then asks Jem to check under her bed. Jem swings a broom under the bed and ends up finding Dill. He hid under the bed for 2 hours after running away from home because his new father allegedly chains him up in the basement. Jem and Scout get him food and listen to his stories of how he got to the Finches house.

Major changes and development:

Scout begins to be more individual and defiant in this chapter. She sees Jem’s new found responsibility and thinks poorly of it and does not obey him. She also talks back at her aunt who is now living with her. Her aunt is not a new character but she is now closer to Jem, Scout, and Atticus. A new external struggle arises quickly between Scout and aunt Alexandra.

Significant quotations:

“You tryin’ to tell me what to do?”-Scout

Scout is telling Jem not to tell her what to do. She won’t be told what to do and defiantly not by Jem.

“Ain’t so high and mighty now, are you!”-Scout

This is when Scout and Jem are fighting. Scout is at equal with Jem still and this reinforces her disobedience to Jem.

Literary elements:

A motif within the chapter could be growing up. We notice Jem trying to be mature and ahead of others in the family. We also see Scout rebelling and becoming more of a teenager. These things give a sense of evolution of the characters.


Hoover cart - A metallic carriage used for transporting people.

Yonder - Over there, there are

Critical thinking:

How does Scouts aging and Jem’s aging correlate?

Why is Aunt Alexandra so against having Calipurnia work for Atticus’ family?

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